Adam Bergeron, JD, NCC
Thank you for being interested in Bergeron Counseling Center! I am a certified professional coach with a passion for working with clients across a broad spectrum of issues, including stress, feelings of overwhelm, life transitions, motivation, focus, habit change, depression, anxiety, emotional wellness coaching for companies and organizations, and business partner relationships.
Through my own personal journey, I have learned first hand the power of coaching to elicit change in one’s life.

I meet my clients from a place of deep respect and non-judgment for their individual processes, because I truly believe that we all deserve to be seen as we are, without any preconceptions of right or wrong, or better or worse. I am a traveler on the same journey that my clients are courageous enough to embark on in their own lives. And it is a sincere honor to walk those journeys with my clients in service of their growth and positive change.
I am captivated by the intertwining and dynamic energy that arises when another human chooses to meet me in the coaching dynamic. And I welcome you to come see for yourself how that energy might work in service of deep change in your life.
As for my education and training: I am a Newfield Certified Coach (NCC) and graduate of Newfield Network's Certified Coach Training Program (an International Coach Federation Accredited Coach Training Program); I hold a J.D. from the University of Colorado School of Law and a B.A. in English from the University of Texas at Austin; I have completed the Internal Family Systems coaching program; I have received training in Hakomi body-centered psychotherapy techniques; and I completed a 200 hour yoga teacher training.
I have traveled a long and somewhat circuitous “career” path that led me to my deepest calling as a coach. I spent thirteen years practicing law, and in that time worked for the Colorado Attorney General’s office, an international environmental non-profit, a nationwide franchise business and multiple law firms. Yet, I was always pulled towards a deeper work in which I could meet individuals in meaningful interactions, with their masks set aside for an hour or so, and with their full humanity on display. In co-creating these interactions with my clients, I feel the power of the deep work that occurs in a coaching relationship. I draw inspiration and energy from that power, and I do everything I can to help my clients find inspiration from within themselves to make the changes they are seeking in life. I firmly believe that my clients are their own healers. I can serve as a guide, as a mirror, or as a walking companion on their journey. But the true power to change, heal and create a more fulfilling life lies within my clients’ own inner workings.
I marvel at the courage, resilience, honesty and vulnerability my clients display in their work. And I often can’t believe my good fortune that I get to play a part in their process.