Do you experience persistent anxiety, or a feeling like you’re constantly on edge? Do you have difficulty sleeping, or wake in the morning with your heart and mind racing?
Do you have recurring emotional outbursts, or notice yourself overreacting to seemingly insignificant situations?
Traumatic and disturbing life events have a profound impact on the psychological, emotional and physical aspects of our being. The impact reverberates out into the days, months, and, sometimes, years after the original event itself has passed. If the experience remains buried, repressed or unprocessed, it can get stuck in your nervous system, along with the images, thoughts, feelings and body sensations associated with it.
Many of us learn to deny, minimize, or ignore our pain in order to survive it. And, it makes sense, because ignoring our feelings or distracting ourselves from them provides great relief in the short-term. However, over time, you may see that the more you push your feelings away, the more consumed you are by them. You start to find that the strategies you initially learned to survive begin interfering with your ability to thrive in your present life.
When you become willing to acknowledge and turn toward the truth of your experience, your body and mind can access it’s innate capacity to heal itself. Eventually, you will see that you need to genuinely feel in order to fully heal. Through this process, you will discover that everything you’re longing for is right inside of you, and you already have everything you need to feel whole again. Your salvation lies not in seeking new landscapes, but in beginning to see the land of your body with new eyes.
Trauma therapy sessions include a blend of several trauma-informed and evidenced-based therapeutic modalities, including: